AWS Prices

Prices for Stockholm AWS region is by far the cheapest in Europe

Johan Carlsson
5 mins read

With the AWS Stockholm region eu-north-1 launched I wanted to take a quick peek at the pricing. There have been rumors that the Stockholm region would be priced lower than many others so let’s compare.

I compared Stockholm to N. Virginia, Frankfurt and Ireland with EC2, Aurora, S3 and DynamoDB. Below is the pricing for each per region and the difference compared to Stockholm.

AWS Price Comparison

AWS EC2 Instance prices

AWS Region EU (Stockholm) - m5.2xlarge $0.408 per hour

AWS US East (N. Virginia) - m5.2xlarge $0.384 per hour -6%

AWS EU (Frankfurt) - m5.2xlarge $0.46 per hour +13%

AWS EU (Ireland) - m5.2xlarge $0.428 per hour +5%

AWS Amazon Aurora prices

(Note that I compare r5 to r4)

AWS EU (Stockholm) - db.r5.2xlarge $1.20 per hour

AWS US East (N. Virginia)- db.r4.2xlarge $1.16 per hour -3%

EU (Frankfurt)- db.r4.2xlarge $1.40 per hour +17%

EU (Ireland) - db.r4.2xlarge $1.28 per hour +7%

AWS Amazon S3 Standard Storage prices

EU (Stockholm) - First 50 TB / Month $0.023 per GB

US East (N. Virginia) - First 50 TB / Month $0.023 per GB

EU (Frankfurt) - First 50 TB / Month $0.0245 per GB +7%

EU (Ireland) - First 50 TB / Month $0.023 per GB

AWS Amazon DynamoDB On-demand prices

EU (Stockholm) - Write request units $1.343 per million write request units

US East (N. Virginia) - Write request units $1.25 per million write request units -7%

EU (Frankfurt) - Write request units $1.525 per million write request units +14%

EU (Ireland) - Write request units $1.414 per million write request units +5%

Prices for Stockholm AWS region is by far the cheapest

Looking at these examples we can confirm that the AWS Stockholm region is the one priced lowest in Europe, with as much as 17% compared to Frankfurt. This is awesome news for companies in northern Europe in general and the Nordics in particular.

If you are interested in AWS please have a look at our services Internet of Things (IoT) och DevOps

Let’s go build!


Gunnar Grosch

About Johan Carlsson
Johan Carlsson
Johan började på Opsio under sitt grundår och arbetade nära våra kunder om deras utveckling i molnlandskapet. Johans favoritämne är innovation och drivs av nyfikenhet att förstå och hjälpa till att lösa organisationens unika utmaningar i molnet.
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